Advent of Code 2022 day 15

It’s looking messier and messier. The grid is huge, so can’t hold it all in memory without causing my computer to crash. Had to abandon to use something less memory heavy.

Part 2 required me to try even harder than part 1. I got partly stuck later on in part 2 due to having renamed some variables from y to j. Never do that.

Tried to use numba for the first time. There’s a lot I still need to work out about the package.

from numba import njit
from numba.typed import List

with open("15.txt") as f:
# with open("15_test.txt") as f:
    data =

# # y = 10
y = 2000000

sensors = List([
    for line in data.splitlines()
beacons = List([
    for line in data.splitlines()

def solve(sensors, beacons, y):
    uniq_beacons = set(beacons)
    cannot_contain = set()
    for sensor, beacon in zip(sensors, beacons):
        distance = abs(beacon[0] - sensor[0]) + abs(beacon[1] - sensor[1])
        if sensor[1] - distance <= y and sensor[1] + distance >= y:
            for i in range(
                if (
                        (sensor[0]+i, y) not in uniq_beacons and
                        (sensor[0]+i, y) is not sensor
            # for i in range(-distance, distance):
            #     for j in range(-abs(abs(i)-distance), abs(abs(i)-distance)+1):
            #         if (
            #                 y == sensor[1]+j and
            #                 (sensor[0]+i, sensor[1]+j) not in uniq_beacons
            #         ):
                        # cannot_contain.add(sensor[0]+i)

    return len(cannot_contain)

print(solve(sensors=sensors, beacons=beacons, y=y))

# Part 2
# max_coord=20

# @njit
def occupied(covers):
    return set(x for a, b in covers for x in range(a, b))

# @njit
def overlap(covers, max_coord):
    covers = sorted(covers, key=lambda x: x[0])
    start = 0
    for (a, b) in covers:
        if a > start:
            return False
        start = max(start, b)
    if b > max_coord:
        return False
    return True

# @njit
def solve_row(j, points, max_coord):
    covers = []
    for x, y, distance in points:
        if y - distance <= j and y + distance >= j:
                    max(x-abs(distance-abs(j-y)), 0),
                    min(x+abs(distance-abs(j-y)+1), max_coord)
            # occupied = occupied.union(set(
            #     range(
            #         max(x-abs(distance-abs(j-y)), 0),
            #         min(x+abs(distance-abs(j-y)+1), max_coord)
            #     )
            # ))
    if not overlap(covers, max_coord):
    # if len(occupied:=set(x for a, b in covers for x in range(a, b))) < max_coord:
    #     if len(occupied) == max_coord:
    #         break
    # if len(occupied) < max_coord:
    #     print(len(occupied))
        answer = set(range(max_coord)).difference(occupied(covers))
        return answer.pop()*4000000+j
    return 0

# @njit
def solve2(points, max_coord=20):
    for j in range(max_coord):
        if ans := solve_row(j, points, max_coord):
            return ans

# @njit
def sensor_distances(sensors, beacons):
    for sensor, beacon in zip(sensors, beacons):
        distance = abs(beacon[0] - sensor[0]) + abs(beacon[1] - sensor[1])
        yield (*sensor, distance)

points = [x for x in sensor_distances(sensors, beacons)]

print(solve2(points, max_coord=max_coord))

# def sign(x):
#     if x < 0:
#         return -1
#     return 1

# class Point:
#     def __init__(self, x, y):
#         self.point = [x, y]

#     def __str__(self):
#         return f"{self.x}, {self.y}"

#     @property
#     def x(self):
#         return self.point[0]

#     @property
#     def y(self):
#         return self.point[1]

# class Beacon(Point):
#     def __init__(self, data):
#         beacon_data = data.split(": ")[1]
#         super().__init__(
#             x=int(beacon_data.split("x=")[1].split(",")[0]),
#             y=int(beacon_data.split("y=")[1].split(",")[0])
#         )

#     def __str__(self):
#         return "B"

# class Sensor(Point):
#     def __init__(self, data, beacons=None):
#         if beacons is None:
#             beacons = []
#         self.beacon = None
#         sensor_data = data.split(": ")[0]
#         super().__init__(
#             x=int(sensor_data.split("x=")[1].split(",")[0]),
#             y=int(sensor_data.split("y=")[1].split(",")[0])
#         )
#         beacon_data = data.split(": ")[1]
#         beacon_x = int(beacon_data.split("x=")[1].split(",")[0])
#         beacon_y = int(beacon_data.split("y=")[1].split(",")[0])
#         for beacon in beacons:
#             if beacon.x == beacon_x and beacon.y == beacon_y:
#                 self.beacon = beacon
#                 break

#     def __str__(self):
#         return "S"

# class Grid:
#     def __init__(self, data):
#         self.beacons = [Beacon(line) for line in data.splitlines()]
#         self.sensors = [
#             Sensor(line, beacons=self.beacons) for line in data.splitlines()
#         ]
#         self.max_y = max(
#             max([beacon.y for beacon in self.beacons]),
#             max([sensor.y for sensor in self.sensors])
#         )
#         self.min_y = min(
#             min(beacon.y for beacon in self.beacons),
#             min(sensor.y for sensor in self.sensors)
#         )
#         self.max_x = max(
#             max(beacon.x for beacon in self.beacons),
#             max(sensor.x for sensor in self.sensors)
#         )
#         self.min_x = min(
#             min(beacon.x for beacon in self.beacons),
#             min(sensor.x for sensor in self.sensors)
#         )
#         self.x = self.max_x - self.min_x + 1
#         self.y = self.max_y - self.min_y + 1
#         print(self.x)
#         print(self.y)
#         print(self.x*self.y)
#         self.grid = "."*self.x*self.y
#         for beacon in self.beacons:
#             self.set_value(x=beacon.x, y=beacon.y, value="B")
#         for sensor in self.sensors:
#             self.set_value(x=sensor.x, y=sensor.y, value="S")

#     def __str__(self):
#         return "\n".join([self.col(j) for j in range(self.y)])

#     def at(self, x, y):
#         if (
#                 y-self.min_y >= 0 and
#                 x-self.min_x >= 0 and
#                 y <= self.max_y and
#                 x <= self.max_x
#         ):
#             return self.grid[((y-self.min_y)*self.x)+(x-self.min_x)]

#     def col(self, y):
#         return self.grid[(y-self.min_y)*self.x:(y-self.min_y+1)*self.x]

#     def set_value(self, x, y, value):
#         self.grid = (
#             self.grid[:((y-self.min_y)*self.x)+x-self.min_x] +
#             value +
#             self.grid[((y-self.min_y)*self.x)+x-self.min_x+1:]
#         )

#     def fill(self):
#         for sensor in self.sensors:
#             beacon = sensor.beacon
#             distance = abs(beacon.x - sensor.x) + abs(beacon.y - sensor.y)
#             for i in range(-distance, distance):
#                 for j in range(-abs(abs(i)-distance), abs(abs(i)-distance)+1):
#                     if, y=sensor.y+j) == ".":
#                         self.set_value(x=sensor.x+i, y=sensor.y+j, value="#")

#     def line(self, y):
#         return len(
#             [x for x in self.col(y) if x == "#"]
#         )

# grid = Grid(data)
# # print(grid)
# # grid.fill()
# # print(grid)
# # print(grid.line(10))
# # print(grid.line(2000000))