Advent of Code 2022 day 12

Got stuck multiple times as shown in the code. Multiple attempts were aborted. Again reading questions properly would have helped. Part 2 was fairly simple after part 1 was worked out. Crucial to the algorithm was keeping a dictionary used.

# import sys
# import numpy as np
# np.set_printoptions(threshold=sys.maxsize, linewidth=120)
import sys

# with open("12_test.txt") as f:
with open("12.txt") as f:
    lines =

map = [[x for x in line] for line in lines]
m = len(map)
n = len(map[0])
for row in range(m):
    for col in range(n):
        if map[row][col] == "S":
            start = (row, col)
        elif map[row][col] == "E":
            end = (row, col)

# distances = np.matrix([[0]*m*n]*m*n)

def neighbours(element, row, col):
    if element == "S":
        val = 97
    elif element == "E":
        val = 122
        val = ord(element)
    for i in reversed(range(row-1, row+2)):
        for j in reversed(range(col-1, col+2)):
            if (
                    i >= 0 and
                    j >= 0 and
                    i < m and
                    j < n and
                    (i, j) != (row, col) and
                        i-row == 0 or j-col == 0
                neighbour = map[i][j]
                if neighbour == "S":
                    neighbour_val = 97
                elif neighbour == "E":
                    neighbour_val = 122
                    neighbour_val = ord(neighbour)
                if neighbour_val <= val+1:
                    yield i, j

# for row in range(m):
#     for col in range(n):
#         element = map[row][col]
#         for neighbour in neighbours(element, row, col):
#             i, j = neighbour
#             distances[col*m+row, j*m+i] = 1

used = {start: 1}
paths = []

def valid_neighbours(node, path):
    row, col = node
    for neighbour in neighbours(map[row][col], row, col):
        if neighbour not in used or used[neighbour] > len(path)+1:
            yield neighbour

def add_to_path(path):
    last = path[-1]
    new_paths = []
    if len(path) < 500:
        for node in valid_neighbours(last, path):
            new_path = path+[node]
            used[node] = len(new_path)
        for new_path in new_paths:
            if new_path[-1] != end:
            # else:
            #     with open("12diffa.txt", "w") as f:
            #         f.write("\n".join([str(node)+" "+map[node[0]][node[1]] for node in new_path]))


# for path in [path for path in paths if path[-1] == end]:
#     print(path)
print(min([len(path) for path in paths if path[-1] == end])-1)

# def distance(x, start):
#     return (x[0] - start[0]) + (x[1] - start[1])

# def valid_choices(route):
#     last = route[-1]
#     choices = []
#     if last[0] > 0:
#         choices.append((last[0]-1, last[1]))
#     if last[0] < len(map)-1:
#         choices.append((last[0]+1, last[1]))
#     if last[1] > 0:
#         choices.append((last[0], last[1]-1))
#     if last[1] < len(map[0])-1:
#         choices.append((last[0], last[1]+1))
#     for choice in sorted(choices, key=lambda x: distance(x, start)):
#         if (
#                 choice == start or
#                 choice not in route and
#                 (
#                     (
#                         map[last[0]][last[1]] == "E" and
#                         map[choice[0]][choice[1]] == "z"
#                     ) or
#                     (
#                         map[last[0]][last[1]] == "a" and
#                         map[choice[0]][choice[1]] == "S"
#                     ) or
#                     abs(
#                         ord(map[choice[0]][choice[1]]) -
#                         ord(map[last[0]][last[1]])
#                     ) < 2 or
#                     (
#                         (
#                             ord(map[choice[0]][choice[1]]) >
#                             ord(map[last[0]][last[1]])
#                          )
#                     )
#                 )
#         ):
#             yield choice

# def next_path(route):
#     for choice in valid_choices(route):
#         if map[choice[0]][choice[1]] == "S":
#             yield route + [choice]
#         yield from next_path(route + [choice])

# min_length = 10*6
# for route in next_path([end]):
#     if route[-1] == start and (length:=len(route)) < min_length:
#         print(length)
#         min_length = length

# print(min_length)

## PART 2
used = {end: 1}
paths = []

def neighbours_2(element, row, col):
    if element == "S":
        val = 97
    elif element == "E":
        val = 122
        val = ord(element)
    for i in range(row-1, row+2):
        for j in range(col-1, col+2):
            if (
                    i >= 0 and
                    j >= 0 and
                    i < m and
                    j < n and
                    (i, j) != (row, col) and
                        i-row == 0 or j-col == 0
                neighbour = map[i][j]
                if neighbour == "S":
                    neighbour_val = 97
                elif neighbour == "E":
                    neighbour_val = 122
                    neighbour_val = ord(neighbour)
                if neighbour_val >= val-1:
                    yield i, j

def valid_neighbours_2(node, path):
    row, col = node
    for neighbour in neighbours_2(map[row][col], row, col):
        if neighbour not in used or used[neighbour] > len(path)+1:
            yield neighbour

def add_to_path_2(path):
    last = path[-1]
    new_paths = []
    for node in valid_neighbours_2(last, path):
        new_path = path+[node]
        used[node] = len(new_path)
    for new_path in new_paths:
        if map[new_path[-1][0]][new_path[-1][1]] != "a":

        [len(path) for path in paths if map[path[-1][0]][path[-1][1]] == "a"]